Room hunting
You are looking for a roof under your head?
There are several rooms in a shared flat which are allocated from us. Requests over: ksg-erfurt@bistum-erfurt.de
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Then turn to this page: Studierendenwerk
Scholarship counselling
The Cusanuswerk is the study grant programme of the German Bishops' Conference and supports exceptionally talented students. An application only makes sense if you have good to excellent grades and a strong Christian commitment. The Cusanus Study Grant is designed to support undergraduate and/or doctoral studies.
Katholischer Akademischer Ausländerdienst KAAD
The Catholic Academic Foreigners Service is an ecclesiastical scholarship organization that enables young people from Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America to study or carry out research at universities or similar institutions in Germany. KAAD seeks to contribute to the religious, cultural and scientific exchange between different cultures.
The KAAD (Catholic Academic Foreigners Service) is an ecclesiastical scholarship fund that enables young researchers from Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America to study or carry out research at universities or similar institutions in Germany. The KAAD tries to contribute to the religious, cultural and scientific exchange between different cultures.